Research in the News


Seminar Talk at HPI Potsdam

The chair of Prof. Friedrich and TomTom are working together on strategic routes. Here are the slides from my seminar presentation about Traffic Phenomena and Modeling.


Guest Lectureship at Beuth University

In this winter semester I'm a guest lecturer at the Beuth Hochschule with a course about traffic data, models and information systems.

Urban Mobility Tool Inventory

The CIVITAS Urban Mobility Tool Inventory has been launched and Movsim is part of it.

Showcase for Mathematics of Planet Earth

We submitted our traffic simulation as exhibition showcase for Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) organized by the amazing platform for open and interactive mathematics.


Wherecamp 2015

At the Wherecamp 2015 conference I spoke about 'The unintelligent swarm' - Traffic oscillations in dynamic navigation applications and how to circumvent them.


Why marathons have runner 'traffic jams' by Philip Ball

Philip Ball wrote a article for the BBC Under the Radar column about the two recently published papers From Drivers to Athletes - Modeling and Simulating Cross-Country Sking Marathons and Crowd Flow Modeling of Athletes in Mass Sports Events -- a Macroscopic Approach.


English book Traffic Flow Dynamics published

The English textbook Traffic Flow Dynamics: Data, Models and Simulation has been published by Springer. The book's website is


German Textbook Verkehrsdynamik published

The German textbook Verkehrsdynamik und -simulation has been published by Springer. For details see the website


How Intelligent Vehicles Will Increase the Capacity of Our Roads

The Technology Review physics blog reported about our paper 'Enhanced Intelligent Driver Model to Access the Impact of Driving Strategies on Traffic Capacity' published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. A preprint is available from arXiv.

IEEE ITSS Best Dissertation Award 2009

Proud, and honored! In October 2009, I received the Best Dissertation Award of the IEEE ITS Society during the ITSC conference in St. Louis, Missouri. The TU Dresden reported about it here.

'Jam Today' Article in The Economist

The Economist published an article Jam today which reports our results in the paper Enhanced Intelligent Driver Model to access the impact of driving strategies on traffic capacity.

Autostadt Wolfsburg: Level Green Exhibition

We contributed to the exhibition LEVEL GREEN in the Volkswagen Autostadt Wolfsburg with an interactive traffic simulation showcase. The user interface and the graphics have been developed by Art+Com.


Friedrich-List-Award for best dissertation 2008

I received the Friedrich-List-Preis 2008 for the best Ph.D. dissertation at the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences of the TU Dresden.

Mythos Stau - German TV broadcast

Gabriela Neuhaus made a film about traffic jams.

Siemens ITS Award Straßenverkehrstechnik 2008

I received the ITS Award Straßenverkehrstechnik 2008 sponsored by Siemens AG for a working paper in German entitled Datenfusionsalgorithmus zur Verkehrszustandsermittlung und Reisezeitschätzung.

A summary has been published in Siemens ITS Magazine Nachhilfe für Nichtschwimmer, Siemens ITS Magazine 1/2009, p 22-23.

'Why complex systems do better without us'

Mark Buchanan published an article 'Why complex systems do better without us' in the New Scientist.

Can Ants Solve Traffic Jams?

Danielle Parsons published a video 'Can Ants Solve Traffic Jams?' on YouTube.

2006 and older

Schlau gegen Stau

Wolfgang Richter wrote an article for the Financial Times Deutschland.

Cruise control avoids jams

Belle Dumé wrote an article Cruise control avoids jams on about our work.

Ausgebremst: Die Staumathematik

C. Drösser published a nice article 'Ausgebremst: Die Staumathematik' in the German DIE ZEIT.